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Leanne studied for a Level 3 Health and Social Care Apprenticeship whilst employed by the Royal Mencap Society.


ITS Training and Apprenticeships



"Within my job role as support worker for the Royal Mencap Society, I was selected and put forward by my management team to enrol onto the Level 3 Health and Social Care Apprenticeship, which I was overjoyed to accept."

"Throughout the course, I have learnt and adapted, gaining extra knowledge within each unit studied. My tutor Nicki Webb has been incredibly supportive throughout, providing me with crucial feedback after each unit completed. All of the other individuals that I have communicated with throughout each process from enrolment until present have been approachable, helpful and friendly."

"At present I do not have any plans for the future - I am happy within my current role of Support Worker. I do feel however that this qualification will not only help me to progress within my current role but also provide me with knowledge needed to explore other aspects in the future."

"I would recommend ITS to others. When first enrolling I was incredibly nervous, however all of the staff were very supportive and reassuring. I feel that I have progressed well within my studies and I am more confident when completing virtual meetings via Teams, which was completely out of my comfort zone. I have gained further knowledge and feel proud of what I have achieved so far."

"I would advise anybody that is thinking of studying with ITS to go for it. As somebody who was nervous I can honestly say that, looking back, it is one of the best things I’ve ever done!"


Visit the Apprenticeships page for further information and to apply.

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