Operations/Departmental Manager Level 5 Apprenticeship Standard


An operations/departmental manager is someone who manages teams and/or projects, achieving operational or departmental goals and objectives, as part of the delivery of the organisation's strategy. Working in the private, public or third sector and in all sizes of organisation, specific responsibilities and job titles will vary, but the knowledge, skills and behaviours needed will be the same.

Key responsibilities may include creating and delivering operational plans, managing projects, leading and managing teams, managing change, financial and resource management, talent management, coaching and mentoring. Roles may include: Operations Manager, Regional Manager, Divisional Manager, Department Manager and specialist managers.


Operations/Departmental Manager


Level 5

Typical duration

30 months



Maximum Funding Value


Delivery model

Delivery is flexible to suit the individual apprentice and their employer. The apprentice will have a minimum of one tutorial per month either in person in the workplace or remotely via an online meeting. Group sessions may be available on some programmes.

Entry requirements

  • Entry requirements for this apprenticeship will be set by the employer, but may typically be five GCSEs at Grade 4/C or higher.
  • Level 2 Functional Skills must be achieved prior to end point assessment (this content will be blended into the apprentice's study programme if it is required).
  • Apprentices must be employed in order to study for this qualification. Please see our Apprenticeship vacancies.
  • The apprentice must be at least 16 years of age.

Knowledge outcomes

  • Leading people: 
    • Able to communicate organisational vision and goals and how these to apply to teams.
  • Support development: 
    • Support development through coaching and mentoring and enable and support high performance working.
    • Able to support the management of change within the organisation.
  • Managing people: 
    • Able to manage talent and performance.
    • Develop, build and motivate teams by identifying their strengths and enabling development within the workplace.
    • Able to delegate and enable delivery through others.
  • Building relationships: 
    • Able to build trust.
    • Can use effective negotiation and influencing skills.
    • Able to manage conflict.
    • Can identify and share good practice.
    • Works collaboratively with others both inside and outside of the organisation.
    • Uses specialist advice and support to deliver against plans.
  • Communication: 
    • Able to communicate effectively (verbal, non-verbal, written, digital).
    • Can be flexible in communication style.
    • Able to chair meetings, actively listen and present using a range of media.
    • Can challenge and give constructive feedback.
  • Personal effectiveness: 
    • Can self-manage and can create a personal development plan.
    • Can use time management and prioritisation techniques and tools.
    • Understand the use of different approaches to planning, including managing multiple tasks.
  • Self-awareness: 
    • Able to reflect on own performance, working style and its impact on others. 
    • Understand own impact and emotional intelligence.
    • Understand different and learning and behaviour styles.
  • Decision making: 
    • Able to undertake critical analysis and evaluation to support decision making.
    • Use of effective problem solving techniques.
    • Understand problem solving and decision making techniques, including data analysis.
  • Values and ethics:
    • Understand organisational values and ethics and their impact on decision making.


Skills Outcomes

  • Operational management: 
    • Understands operational management approaches and models, including creating plans to deliver objectives and setting key performance indicators (KPIs).
    • Understands business development tools, for example, SWOT, and approaches to continuous improvement.
    • Understands operational business planning techniques, including how to manage resources, development of sales and marketing plans, setting targets and monitoring performance.
    • Knowledge of management systems, processes and contingency planning. 
    • Demonstrates commercial awareness, and is able to identify and shape new opportunities. 
    • Understands how to initiate and manage change by identifying barriers and knows how to overcome them.
    • Understands data security and management, and the effective use of technology in an organisation. 
    • Can produce reports, providing management information based on the collation, analysis and interpretation of data.
  • Project management: 
    • Knows how to set up and manage a project using relevant tools and techniques and understand process management.
    • Understands approaches to risk management. 
    • Plan, organise and manage resources to deliver required outcomes.
    • Monitor progress, and identify risk and their mitigation.
  • Finance: 
    • Understands business finance, how to manage budgets and financial forecasting. 
    • Able to monitor budgets and provide reports, and consider financial implications of decisions and adjust approach and recommendations accordingly.
  • Interpersonal excellence:
    • Managing people and developing relationships.
  • Leading people: 
    • Understands different leadership styles, how to lead multiple and remote teams and manage team leaders.
    • Knows how to motivate and improve performance, supporting people using coaching and mentoring approaches.
    • Understands organisational cultures and diversity and their impact on leading and managing change.
    • Knows how to delegate effectively.
  • Managing people: 
    • Knows how to manage multiple teams, and develop high performing teams.
    • Understands performance management techniques, talent management models and how to recruit and develop people.
  • Building relationships: 
    • Understands approaches to partner, stakeholder and supplier relationship management including negotiation, influencing, and effective networking.
    • Knowledge of collaborative working techniques to enable delivery through others and how to share best practice.
    • Know how to manage conflict at all levels.
  • Communication: 
    • Understands interpersonal skills and different forms of communication and techniques (verbal, written, non-verbal, digital) and how to apply them appropriately.

Behaviour outcomes

  • Responsibility:
    • Takes responsibility. 
  • Drive:
    • Drive to achieve in all aspects of work.
    • Demonstrates resilience and accountability.
  • Determination:
    • Determination when managing difficult situations.
    • Seeks new opportunities.
  • Qualities: 
    • Professional, inclusive, open, honest, approachable, authentic, agile and able to build trust with others.
    • Seeks the views of others and values diversity. 
    • Sets an example, and is fair, consistent and impartial.
  • Flexible: 
    • Flexible to the needs of the organisation.
    • Is creative, innovative and enterprising when seeking solutions to business needs.
    • Positive and adaptable, responding well to feedback and the need for change.
    • Open to new ways of working.
  • Operates within organisational values: 
    • Works within and towards the values of the business.

External qualifications

This apprenticeship does not feature any external qualifications.

End Point Assessment

  • Professional discussion
  • Project proposal, presentation and questioning

Section title here

For more information about this course please contact us.

Queens Court Regent Street Barnsley South Yorkshire S70 2EG
Tel: 01226 216760 | Email: info@ind-training.co.uk | www.independenttrainingservices.co.uk

These course details were downloaded on 30/03/2025


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