Certificate in Principles of Working With Individuals With Learning Disabilities Level 2

Course overview

This qualification aims to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of issues related to different types of learning disabilities and how these affect individuals in their daily lives.

Course duration

8 - 12 Weeks

Delivery method



Level 2




Funding is available subject to eligibility criteria. Please contact our team for advice on finance and funding options.

Suitable for

This course is suitable for students aged 14 and over. It is ideal for anyone who currently works in, or would like to work in, the education and health and social care sectors.

Learning outcomes

By the end of the course, students will understand a range of topics, including safeguarding and personalisation in social care, how to help individuals with a learning disability to access healthcare and awareness of autistic spectrum conditions.

Course content

  • Understanding the context of supporting individuals with learning disabilities:
    • The support provided to individuals with learning disabilities
    • Inclusion, advocacy and empowerment
    • The causes, nature and characteristics of learning disabilities
  • Principles of safeguarding and protection in health and social care:
    • How to recognise signs of abuse
    • Responding to a situation of alleged or suspected abuse
    • Ways to reduce the likelihood of abuse
    • How to report unsafe practices
  • Introduction to personalisation in social care:
    • The importance of adopting a personalised approach to care when supporting individuals with learning disabilities
    • Systems currently in place which encourage personalisation
  • Principles of positive risk-taking for individuals with disabilities:
    • The importance of using positive, person-centred risk assessment to support individuals with decisions about risk-taking
    • Ways in which support can be given to manage identified risks
  • Introductory awareness of autistic spectrum conditions:
    • Autistic Spectrum Conditions (ASCs)
    • The different experiences of individuals living with an ASC
    • Person-centred ways of supporting individuals who have an ASC
    • Different systems which can be used to enable communication
  • Principles of supporting individuals with a learning disability to access healthcare:
    • The roles of different professionals working with individuals with learning disabilities in healthcare services
    • Healthcare plans and health checks and how they underpin long-term health and well-being 
    • Issues that individuals may face when accessing healthcare services

Course requirements

Candidates will require the following equipment for distance learning:

  • PC or laptop with a microphone and speakers (a webcam is preferred but not essential)
  • Access to the internet and web browser application (e.g. Google Chrome)
  • An email account for file sharing

For more information about this course please contact us.

Queens Court Regent Street Barnsley South Yorkshire S70 2EG
Tel: 01226 216760 | Email: info@ind-training.co.uk | www.independenttrainingservices.co.uk

These course details were downloaded on 30/03/2025


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