An Advanced Learner Loan is a great way to get a qualification that you may not have previously been able to afford!


If you want to study at Level 3, 4 or 5 and you’re aged 19 or over (on the first day of your course) you may qualify for an Advanced Learner Loan to help pay for your course fees.

These government loans are easy to apply for, your household income isn’t taken into account and there’s no credit check. You begin to repay the loan through the tax system when you complete the course and earn more than the repayment threshold. The loan pays for your qualification and is paid directly to your training provider, so you won’t have to worry about sorting payment out.

More information about Advanced Learner Loans can be found at (Advanced Learner Loans do not cover Degrees or other forms of Higher Education such as HNCs or HNDs. For HE funding information visit

For further details, including eligibility and how to apply, please contact our friendly Information Team

Advanced Learner Loan Quote from Student Lydia Horton 

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